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Our offices are formally open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. 

If you need to make an appointment with Pastor Matt or Pastor Jerry, please contact the office.

All building usage requests should be submitted to the Office Manager. 


Email our Office Manager for general questions: Chris Cole



312 Third Street
Evansville, WI 53536


Other Email Addresses:

Matthew Poock, Pastor: pastor@stjohns-lc.org

Jerry Tews, Pastor: jtews1206@gmail.com

Christopher Beaver, Vicar: vicar@stjohns-lc.org

Chris Cole, Office Manager: office@stjohns-lc.org

Deb Herbers, Financial Director: finances@stjohns-lc.org

Callie Jones, Children’s Ministry Director: children@stjohns-lc.org

Becca Poock, Community Life Coordinator: outreach@stjohns-lc.org

Sharon Magee, Music Director: music@stjohns-lc.org