St. John’s Lutheran Church is an active and vibrant congregation! We use our gifts for the good of others and the glory of God. Find your place to connect, learn, and serve in our various ministries.
Acts 29 is a core group of service-minded leaders who organize a week-long mission trip each year for youth and adults.
The St. John’s Befrienders are a group of caring and dedicated people who provide care to our congregation.
The Dorcas Circle meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 1:30p.m. for Bible study and fellowship in our homes.
The Holiday Bazaar is held annually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and volunteers are needed to assist with the planning!
Every Tuesday morning at 8:30, people gather to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief (LWR).
The Mutual Ministry Team encourages and supports the paid staff on behalf of the congregation.
The Praise Team helps to lead worship through music on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
You are invited to join Pastor Matt every Thursday afternoon at 1:00pm for Bible Study in the Lounge!
Every Tuesday morning at 8:00, handy and helpful men and women meet to provide necessary maintenance to the church property.